Queensland’s Regional NRM Plans
Each of Queensland’s 12 natural resource management organisations has a Regional NRM Plan which is reviewed every five years.
These Regional NRM Plans are developed in partnership with the people who live in these communities and who rely on the region’s natural assets for their lifestyle and livelihoods.
While each regional NRM group is different, their NRM plans have common characteristics:
They identify strategic priorities through a robust planning process based on scientific, cultural and community understanding of the landscape
They align with policy and legislation both at state and national levels, and integrated with land use planning and statutory approvals.
Participatory planning processes are used to ensure plans reflect the issues and priorities of stakeholders and the broader community. Public participation is embedded at all stages of the priority-setting phase.
Plans are knowledge based, using the best available environment, social, cultural and economic data as well as community knowledge at multiple scales. This includes Traditional Knowledge, scientific data and models to inform understanding of the socio-ecological system, environmental images, targets, measures, priority areas and knowledge needs.
NRM plans are landscape-scale, working across tenures, land and marine uses so they can address the complex and connected nature of our social-environmental systems.
Complex systems-thinking approaches are applied – acknowledging the system as a whole rather than in individual parts.
Transparency and accountability are built into regional NRM plans. Implementation roles are clearly specified and this is a condition of a plan’s endorsement.
Regional NRM plans are adaptive, with rigorous monitoring, evaluation, reporting and improvement (MERI) processes embedded.
Partnership delivery model is front and centre with plans delivered through a partnership approach.
Download Queensland’s regional NRM plans

Burnett Mary Regional NRM Strategy
(Burnett Mary Regional Group)

Cape York NRM Plan
(Cape York NRM)

DCQ NRM Plan 2021 - 2025
(Desert Channels Queensland)

Central Queensland Sustainability Strategy
(Fitzroy Basin Association)

Northern Gulf Region NRM Plan
(Gulf Savannah NRM)

South East Queensland Natural Resource Management Plan (2009–2031)
(Healthy Land & Water)

Burdekin Dry Tropics NRM Plan (2016 – 2026)
(NQ Dry Tropics)

NRM Plan Mackay Whitsunday Isaac
(Reef Catchments)

Regional Natural Resource Management Plan
(Southern Gulf NRM)

Flourishing Landscapes, Healthy Communities
(Southern Queensland Landscapes )

Wet Tropics Plan for People and Country
(Terrain NRM)

Land and Sea Management Strategy for Torres Strait
(Torres Strait Authority)