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NRM Regions Queensland
Natural Resource Management (NRM) is the protection and improvement of the natural assets which underpin our quality of life – soil and water, climate and landscapes and our precious native plants and animals.
NRM Regions Queensland is the representative body for NRM in Queensland. We influence, support and promote the work of our members – the 12 regional NRM organisations in Queensland.
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top news articles
Regional NRM organisations share in $20.75M to protect the Reef
Minister for the Environment and the Great Barrier Reef Meaghan Scanlon said that farmers will continue to play a critical role in helping to protect our Great Barrier Reef.
Using technology for NRM, conservation and production outcomes
Regional NRM organisations in Queensland are using cutting-edge technology to transform landscapes.
Supporting stronger soil health in Queensland’s Northern Gulf – Gulf Savannah NRM
Gulf Savannah NRM’s Healthy Farming Futures project is improving soil health in a region where intensive agriculture is worth $72+ million to the economy.
Green Connections in the Wet Tropics – Terrain NRM
“Making green connections – between forests and with people.”
Carp numbers down in Ramsar wetlands – Southern Queensland Landscapes
According to the National Carp Control Program, carp populations can make up to 80% of the total fish present in some parts of the Murray-Darling Basin, yet in Currawinya National Park, the invasive species is in decline.
Sandringham Wetlands Complex – Reef Catchments
Improving the ecological function and condition of the Sandringham Wetland Complex and threatened ecological communities within the region.
One-on-one visit to Offmore Farm leaves a large legacy – Fitzroy Basin Association
“Stopping runoff benefits everyone, if you’ve got water running off your property, you’re losing potential.” Scotty Finlayson, Offmore Farm.
Weeding out invasive species – Cape York NRM
In April 2022 a multi-agency taskforce arrived in Cooktown in Far North Queensland in an unprecedented show of unity to assess the prevalence of Gamba Grass, control its spread and raise community awareness about this invasive weed.
Queensland’s Reef Champion Award Winners announced
Innovative nitrogen reduction practices, dedicated approaches to extension, revegetation of farms and conservation of wetlands and fauna just some of the projects honoured at the Reef Champion Awards, hosted by Queensland Farmers Federation
Funding available for threatened freshwater aquatic species
Freshwater aquatic species are set to benefit from a $1.4 million Biodiversity Conservation Grant Program (Flood Recovery) jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland Governments. The Mary River catchment is a priority for the program.
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